Monday, April 30, 2007

TM ~ The Better Service??

My colleague told me about this recently, about his modem spoiled and the process that he's going through to get his modem replaced.

C = My colleague, S = Streamyx Staff
1st conversation ~ request to replace modem.
S: Hi, how can i help you?
C: I think my modem spoiled, and it's still under warranty, can you pls replace the modem?
S: Yes sure, but first we need to test something first...
(checking signals and etc)
S: Ya, something is not right with your modem, i'll lodge a report and ask a technician to come replace for you.
C: Thank You.

After a few days, a technician from streamyx called him.
S: Hi, I'm here at your house checking the port for you. Everything seems OK.
C: HUH!! checking port? You're suppose to replace the modem for me.
S: Oh, my job is to check your port, replace modem is done by another technician.
(Why can't the same person doing both jobs? Since u're already there at the customer's house? replace modem doesn't need extra knowledge what..)
C: so, when is the other technician coming over to replace the modem?
S: oh, this one i'm not sure, but i think the modem now out of stock.
C: WHAT!! out of stock? when got stock then?
S: erm, you can go to any of the TM Point and replace la.
C: oh, OK.

so the next day, my colleague brought his faulty modem to the Kelana Jaya's TM Point.

C: The technician asked me to come replace modem here.
S: Press a number and have a seat.
(After waited for around 2 hours...)
S: Oh, you are not allowed to exchange modem here. You will need to wait for our technician to go to your house and change it.

When he approached the customer service officer, he already told him that he wanted to change the modem, that officer knows that modem cannot be replaced, but instead of telling him that straight away, he asked my colleague to get a number and WAIT. After 2 hours only they let him know that modem cannot be replaced there. Why can't they just tell him straight away?

this week is the third week already and he's still waiting for the technician to come replace the modem.. poor him ..

A better service? hmmmm ...... i dono.. what you think??


说到扫地,就非常头痛! 为什么呢? 不就是因为。。。扫把啦!!

我买过很多不同种类,不同性质的扫把, 有贵也有便宜的, 有在超级市场买的, 也有在夜市买的, 可它们都一样, 就是不好扫!!!

有些扫把,当你扫完整间屋子时,你也可以去买过新的一把了. 为什么? 因为一面扫,就一面掉毛, 扫完整间, 不就刚好掉完咯!

有些呢, 扫完后, 发现, 好奇怪哦.. 地上头发啊, 灰尘什么的, 明显的少了,可为什么还是那么的肮脏? 拿起扫把一看..原来啊, 头发灰尘, 都粘在扫把上, 意思是说, 你带着头发和灰尘,一起环绕屋子一圈, 与其说是扫地,不如说是把头发和灰尘平均的散布在每一个角落!!


一直到上个星期, 阿姨送我一把...扫把之中的扫把, 超级无敌扫把之王!!

第一次用这么好用的扫把,不掉毛,不粘头发!! 哇噻。。 好扫得不得了!!! 这就是我所说的。。 扫把之王!!

Sunday's Dinner

The KFC - my version lar. hehe..
added extra chili powder, still not spicy enough,
and not very crispy also.. hmm... lack of wat?

stir fry ridge gourds (petola) with carrots & egg.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Home Plant Dragon Fruit!!

Wow, this is the first time i ate a home plant RED dragon fruit!!
It's small but it's SOOOO sweet and SOOOOO juicy!!!


bought these during the walk in jonker street malacca.
It's mines stone with perfume.

This is the smell of '檀香'.

smell of FENDI.

I think these ppl are very business minded, say it's mines lar this and tat, but after all it's just small stones with perfume only.. and i don't think the perfume will last long also lar. just becos it's not very expensive, RM5 for one , and the packaging quite ok, everybody go buy it.. i think their cost prob less than RM 1 ..

hmm, prob i should think of something to sell also ..hmm, sell grass with perfume. what u think? :p

My New Plant!!

Nice leh .. hehe..

How many teeth do you have?

read this book last weekend

There's this part about teeth one quite interesting
38 teeth - king
36 teeth - minister
34 - top management
32 - won't be poor
28 and below - poor

So, how many teeth do you have??

Friday, April 20, 2007


This is funny .. FL told me this after he's back from his training, i guess his trainer also a joker la.. :p

UPS always tell their customers that DHL means DUA HARI LAMBAT.

DHL then fight back and says, U PUN SAMA!!!

haha ..

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Kelantan's Keropok Ikan

A friend's friend bought this from kelantan ..

It's a bit different from what we usually eat here.
It's spicy, crispy, it's YUMMY!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Not So Good Tennis Day

Booked the court for 9pm, when reached there, found that there's no lights on for all the tennis court. waited for the person in charge to come switch on the lights, after he on the lights, have to wait the spot lights to warm up. waste my time la..

3 spot lights spoiled, left 5 .. very the not bright ..

wah, dono who so geng, hit the ball so high till the tennis ball stuck there ..


Monday, April 16, 2007

Is this ENGLISH???

I called the gov dept this morning for some info, and found it's very funny, ask ppl to choose wat language they prefer, but end up they still speak to you in malay ..

Gov: Sila Tekan 1 untuk Bahasa Malaysia, Press 2 for English.
( I press 2, and someone answered .. )

Gov: Selamat Pagi .... ( THIS IS ENGLISH MEH??????)

my brunch ( breakfast + lunch ) on sunday.

Nescafe, something which i cannot missed everyday.

Segambut Seafood noodle.

i've been craving for this seafood noodle since last month. so last saturday afternoon, decided to go there for lunch. I've been to this shop few yrs ago, tat was my first time eating seafood noodle. 2 yrs ago, i went to the branch in seapark, that is not as good as here.

so here's my 2nd visit to the segambut seafood noodle.

my tom yam seafood meehun

FL's curry seafood meehun.

the chilie ..

delicious..., but a bit expensive, RM13 per bowl. 3 prawns, fish, sotong, some lala & 2 fish balls. it's not as yummy as it used to be, when i first tried it few yrs ago, when it's still selling at the price of RM10 per bowl.


Can anyone tell me what is this?

There's a lot of these 'things' in my house, on the walls, especially in the bathroom.

A friend of mine told me these are lizard's shit.
Then one day, i saw these 'things' moving!!!!

A closer picture, which i split it into half..

There's a worm inside it..


Friday, April 13, 2007

Cute Gifts from Macau

A colleague of mine gave me these ...
Chinese Tea - Very nice packaging, i'll rather keep it instead of drinking it. :p

Dried Tomato?? hehe, haven't tried, dono how it taste.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


天啊!! 为什么这样对我? 我不要啦!! 讨厌死啦!! 我不要填时间屎啦!!

p/s: 什么是时间屎? Time Sheet(Shit) la!! 死蠢!! 嘻嘻! :p


昨天看了一套戏, 戏里面有一幕, 是说姐姐妒忌妹妹从小到大, 什么都好过他, 现在姐姐又失业又失恋,妹妹呢就有一个疼她的老公, 一个幸福美满的家庭. 妹妹知道姐姐妒忌她后, 说了这样的一段话.

其实人就像玩跷跷板一样, 有时你高,有时我高, 根本就不用比来比去. 有些东西,我有你没有,有些东西呢,你有我没有, 做比较只会让你觉得不开心, 不快乐。

当我看到这一幕,觉得妹妹说得非常有道理。现实生活上,人就是喜欢比来比去。小时候, 比谁的玩具比较多, 上学了就比谁的成绩比较好. 在大一些就比谁的摩托车/汽车比较酷! 再来就比谁的男朋友比较帅, 谁的女朋有比较漂亮. 然后比工作啦,薪水啦, 房子啦 ... 什么都可以拿来比较. 何苦呢?

善意的比较是好的,暗暗在心里作比较,然后加倍努力, 希望能提升自己, 而不是,比较后,想办法搞破坏!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fruits ..

Yesterday only i realize i got so much fruits in my fridge until i can really go open up a small fruit stalls to sell. There's apples, pears, lemons, jambu, oranges, avocado, mata kucing in my fridge.

Why i buy so many fruits when i know myself cannot finish it? hmm, actually i bought some of it only lar, the others bought becos of 'Qing Ming', so end up so many lo. How am i suppose to finish all these fruits? it's not looking so fresh already.. hmmm...

AH-HA!!! I know what i need to do in order to finish off these fruits without wasting it.

tah-dah!!! it's the lemon+pear+jambu+orange+apple juice!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Explosion

10 Apr 2007, 12:00am, my house - Normally i'll switch on one of the wall light b4 going to bed, dowan the house look so dark from the outside... hehe ..

i put my finger on the switch and press.. then BOOOOOOM!!!! the whole living + dining room lights all off. no more lights..

OMG!! what happened? i did nothing wor, i just switch on the lights only wor.. what happened!!!!!

after a few minutes of investigation, only i found out that the small little light bulb EXPLODED, becos of 2 small little butterflies. So i've made a conclusion about how this whole thing happened..

2 small little butterflies fly and stop on the light bulb, then i switch on the light, then BOOM!! the 2 butterflies got killed and my little light bulb exploded. pieces of the light bulbs are everywhere ..

~sigh, butterfly ar butterfly, why you want to commit suicide that way, i have to go clean up the mess and also get a new light bulb la.. #@#*&^@#$#$#@

The Master of SLEEPING with eyes OPENED

I think i've mastered the skill of, how to sleep with open eyes, HAHA!! yes, like fish... I know what you're thinking, not something like stephen chow's movie lar, draw 2 eyes on a piece of paper and stick it above ur eyes ^-^. WUAHAHAHAHAH...

For those that know me in person, friends/colleagues, even those nv see me b4 but often chat with me through msn, they know everyday i'll say something like these:

  • very sleepy leh..
  • aiyar, eyes canot open la..
  • wah, canot tahan, got tears coming out of my eyes, cos too sleepy..
  • sleepy..
  • sleepy..
  • damn sleepy..
  • very sleepy
  • super sleepy..
  • etc
Don't ask me why i'm always sleepy, i can tell you that even i sleep for 12 hours everyday i'll still feel sleepy.. :)

ok, so how do i know i've mastered the skill of sleeping with eyes opened? hmm, i found out yesterday. HAHA!! i'm starring at my monitor.. sitting straight, hands typing on the keyboard, but i do not know what i'm typing, i did not hear anything, my eyes see nothing and my brain.. BLANK!! if this is not sleeping, then what is it???!!!

maybe next time i can earn some extra cash by teaching ppl, HOW TO MASTER THE SKILL OF SLEEPING WITHOUT BEING NOTICED BY OTHERS a.k.a Sleeping with eyes opened!!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Lemon + warm water

Make an effort to drink a glass of warm lemon water (half lemon & squeeze into a cup of warm water) every morning before breakfast.

Apart from being tasty and refreshing, lemon water acts as an amazing body alkalizer/alkaliser and also gives the following health benefits:

  • Lemons are antiseptic
  • Lemon water has excellent digestive properties and can ease heartburn, bloating and other digestion problems
  • Lemon water cleanses and stimulates the liver and kidneys
  • Lemon juice flushes out body toxins and thus is extremely beneficial for the body
  • Lemon juice has been known to relieve asthma
  • Lemon water (hot) offers relief from cold and flu symptoms while providing some much needed Vitamin C
  • Lemon juice enhances your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow on your face
So what are you waiting for? START drinking warm lemon water today!!!

Green Tea + Lime Juice

1 tbsp green tea
2 small limes
1/2 tbsp rock sugar, pounded
320ml water

1. Wash and halve limes. Put into a pot with 320ml water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
2. Remove limes and squeeze juice into the pot. Discard the lime skins.
3. Add in green tea and soak for 2 minutes until fragrant.
4. Sieve the drink into bowl. Add rock sugar, stir well and serve.