The Abalone Mushroom with Tomato
I won't be able to cook for the rest of the week, but the abalone mushroom that i bought last saturday are not able to keep for that long.. so what to do? cook and eat it lar, wat else!! hehe...
squeeze off the water.
cut tomato into small pieces.
saute saute.. then add in the abalone mushroom.
it doesn't look very nice but it does taste good.
how is taste? hmm, abalone mushroom sweet,
tomato sour, so it's a combination of
sweet & sour. hehe...
try it out urself!!
wawlau!!Ur kitchen sudah kena stroke still can cook ah!!! Somemore cook ABALONE........mashroom!! Looks very nice time belanja me ah!!
this was cooked b4 i turned my kitchen into newspaper kitchen lar. wuahahaha, have to clear everything in the fridge mar, don't want to waste food!!
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