Monday, July 2, 2007

The AutoPay Machine

Have you encountered any of these before?

1. Need to pay RM 1 for car park, got no small change, insert a RM10 note into the autopay machine, received a total of RM 9 in coins. I'm not sure whether the machine accepts RM50 or not, if yes, haha, make sure you have a plastic bags with you.
2. Inserting coins into the autopay machine, while you keep inserting, the machine keep splitting it out!! everyone behind you keep staring at you!!
3. Insert ticket, insert money, then tah-dah!!! ticket not coming out!!!
4. There's plenty of machines BUT none of them working. (the LRTs)
5. You just finished your mid night movie, the stupid autopay machine only receive coins and guess what, the total amount that you need to pay is RM 9!!!

I'm pretty sure that all of us encountered as least one of the things mentioned above. I'm quite ok with paying at the autopay machine PROVIDED it's working fine and it takes both coins and notes!! If you want people to use the machine, then make sure the machine is working properly!!

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