Thursday, August 30, 2007

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!!!

This morning traffic very smooth, i guess a lot of ppl on leave today, how nice.. When i came out of my condo this morning, i saw a couple, carrying luggage waiting for taxi, seems like they are going somewhere lar.. how nice.. travel... then reached office, read a few blogs, they said they won't be updating their blog over the weekend as they are going somewhere...all also go travel ar.. i so so so so ENVY la!!!!!

I've always wished that I can go travel at least twice a year (fyi, still have not achieved..) . Not necessary have to go to Europe countries (which i nv been to), can be somewhere near like Bangkok, HK, Bali and etc.. But then again, easy to say, hard to do, with so many commitments, if i can afford to go travel once a yr is considered very good already...

~sigh.. oh ya, Happy National Day!! Merdeka!!!!!

p/s: You can still check on my blog over the weekends. I will be sitting at home, updating my blog, cos i am NOT going anywhere.. :p

1 comment:

midnight said...

Guess I won't be the only one alone at home. Thought everyone will be away because I've seen all my friends and neighbours packing. Guess this weekend gonna be a long weekend.

Btw, nice blog. Keep 'em coming k?