Saturday, September 8, 2007

Just ONE (or many) word (s)??

I've been tagged by Sean for this. To answer a long list of questions, by just one word. Originally is one word, but then Sean decided to change the rule a bit, we can answer it by using more than one word. Well, since Sean is the one that tagged me, so i shall just follow his rules!! Here we go...

Where is your cell phone? no idea (in the room gua.. hehe..)
Relationship? Yes
Your hair? Shoulder Length
Work? Sien
Your sister? 1
Your favorite thing? $$ (who doesn't like $$?)
Your dream last night? Errr, don't remember
Your favorite drink? Coffee
Your dream car? nope, but if i can afford a Nissan Latio Sports Hatchback, i would be happy .. for now la..
The room you’re in? living room
Your shoes? Vinci, Hush Puppies, Scroll, Nike, Fila, Nose
Your fears? siu-keong
What do you want to be in 10 years? no need to work
Who did you hang out with this weekend? myself
What are you not good at? company politics
One of your wish list items? Nissan Latio Sports Hatchback
Where you grew up? Malacca
Last thing you did? yawn
What are you wearing? Pyjamas
What aren’t you wearing? socks
Your pet? nope
Your computer? Acer
Your life? Boring
Your mood? not so good
What are you thinking about right now? to take a nap
Your car? Made in Malaysia
Your kitchen? modern
Your summer? our country got summer meh? hehe..
Your favorite color? Purple
Last time you laughed? 2 hours ago
Last time you cried? last week while watching the super sad movie
School? APIIT
Love? Sleep

haha, so now it's my turn to tag ppl.. see who are the lucky ones.. :p have fun!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting one word meme...