Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pictures or Words?

When you read people's blog, which one you prefer to see? more pictures or more words? When i started this blog few months ago, a friend told me i should have more pictures attached. He said if you want to attract more ppl to visit your blog, you must have more pictures. why? because a picture is worth a thousand words! wow, really? but seriously, i prefer more words wor.. hehe..

Soon, i found out what he said is not completely right. yes there are ppl who preferred more pictures (normally these ppl will just go thru your pics and they won't read what you type, how i know? from their comments i know lar. hehe.. sad lar.. shouldn't ignore the words mar..:p) but there are also people that preferred to read (like me!!). Pictures are good in describing certain things like food. You can't really described a dish with words, can you? well, maybe you can, but only those with good imaginations able to understand. hehe..

So tell me, which one you prefer?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think both are important to me. Words is used to narrate the story that happened in your life, while pictures give a good visual effects to the readers~