Thursday, December 13, 2007 park increasing!!!

My company car park is going to follow the gov's foot step, on what? Increase price lar!!! The person in charged passed me a piece of paper with my name and car no on it when i was about to leave the car park. While passing me that piece of paper, she kept saying sorry to me.

I looked at her trying to figure out why she said Sorry to me.. she said the car park management had decided to end the promotional price (we were entitled for the promotional price, RM 63 for about 9 months becos we're the early birds, the first batch of customers who registered with them) and increased it starting from Jan 2008. Increase from RM 63 to RM 90.

~sigh, petrol increasing, tolls increasing and now car park also increasing.. when is my salary gonna increased????

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