Friday, December 14, 2007

No more illegal/modified white headlights!

Remember my post about the White headlights? If you are like me, hate white headlights, then i got good news to share. This morning i heard from the radio that actions will be taken to those illegal/modified white headlights car owners next year!!

They said there are cars originally comes with white headlights, mostly expensive cars lar, those white headlights will not distract the cars in front, but those illegal or modified ones, will actually caused the drivers in front not able to see clearly and thus very easily caused accidents.

So what action will be taken? Fine RM 200 and will forced them to change to normal headlights within 14 days. Hmm, saman RM 200 only? these ppl so rich, RM 200 they not scared one wor, should saman RM 2000 and within 3 days have to change to normal headlights lar.. aiseh...

anyway, it's still a good news to me, don't you think so?


Anonymous said...

U've been living in malaysia for how long ar? tis one all no action talk only lah...few months back say will take action on the headlights+tinted glass liao, see...until today u still can find some of the idiots on the road.

expensive car oso so what, all should use the standard lights. some expensive cars the lights oso very bright.

Jys said...

no lar, they will have some action one.. maybe for the first and second month lar. wuahahahahhaa...