After much research about
digital cameras, we've decided to get ourselves the Panasonic Lumix FX33. Why? The price is within our budget, the specs are good enough and it looks nice! We went to Mid Valley last week and asked around, most of the shop selling @ RM 1299, free 2Gb memory, tripod and etc. There will be a 4% charged if we paid with credit card. Harvey Norman is selling at a cheaper price, RM 1199, but only free 1Gb memory and no extra charge paying with credit card. We decided to go see see look look at the PIKOM PC Fair to see whether we can get it with a cheaper price or not.

We were there around 4pm.
All the car parks were full!
Finally we managed to get ourself a car park,
RM 6 per entry!

see..really a lot of ppl wor...
we're just looking for the booths
that sell panasonic cameras.
didn't really look at other things.
oh, but i did manage to help my colleague
to buy a 4Gb pendrive with RM 79!!
really really worth it!!
Finally we saw the Panasonic booth, selling all Panasonic cameras. We asked about the FX33, they are also selling at RM 1299, free 2Gb memory, tripod and towel. Towel? strange right? why free towel? what towel got to do with digital camera? Anyway, we asked whether there's any further discount or not. The sales person said if we paid by cash, they can sell it for RM 1188, but if paid with credit card, then RM 1299 will be the final price. But there's no extra charge if we opt to pay with credit card, and there are a few banks (HSBC, Maybank and etc) for us to choose if we want to apply for the 0% interest installments. After a short discussion with FL, we decided to get it here.

so here's our Panasonic Lumix FX 33 with
all the free gifts. the mini tripod, the towel
(nor, the green color one, they called it towel. hehe..),
the car organizer (the black black thing below,
i also not sure wat's that for) and the casing.
We also opt for the 12 months 0% interest free

still got no chance to use it lar, battery
need to charge for 8 hours.