Thursday, November 15, 2007

My 7 photo albums!

I was arranging my books on the book case when I saw these photo albums. There are altogether one, two three, four, five, six, seven albums! Wow, since when I took so many photos? I'm not a person that likes to take photos.

i checked all these photo albums and then only realized that there are only 4 'REAL' photo albums. Real? yes, real means photo albums with photos inside. wuahahahahahaha, what am i talking about? well, let me explained, 4 of these photo albums contains photos. what about the other 3?

Apparently i used the other 3 to collect bookmarks! Yes, long long time ago, i used to buy lot's of bookmarks. I will not used these bookmarks as bookmark (hehe, what a good phrase! :p), instead i will keep all these in my bookmark albums. ah-ha, i got quite a lot of bookmarks there, nicely arranged in the albums.

What a waste hor.. hehe, ya i think i will leave it as it is for now, maybe next time can show it to my grand children, see ur grandma last time also likes to collect bookmarks ler.. I wonder that time still got bookmarks or not, maybe some electronic bookmarks? cool!

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